10 MCU Characters Who Need To Be Rebooted

3. Doc Samson

Malekith Marvel
Marvel Comics

Just like The Leader was wasted in The Incredible Hulk, so too was Leonard Samson. Introduced as a love rival to Bruce Banner, he did pretty much nothing in the movie, and is another major character from the comic books who had a few minutes of screentime before being forgotten.

Originally played by Ty Burrell, there are arguably actors better suited to playing him in the MCU now (especially if he undergoes a heroic transformation), and his return would nicely expand the Green Goliath's corner of this shared world. Once again, She-Hulk seems like the most logical option.

A Gamma-irradiated friend, rival, and psychiatrist for Bruce, he once possessed the superhuman strength equivalent to a relatively calm Hulk, but is now more powerful than ever as his darker alter-ego Samson. If that doesn't sound like a cool idea to explore, then Marvel Studios is losing the plot.

Whether casual fans will remember him is another matter, of course, but this would still be a fun way to build on the history of the MCU and those formative early years from the late 2000s.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.