10 MCU Fan Theories That Just Won't Die
Loki can't really be dead, right?

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been around for 14 years and counting at this point. By the time the Multiverse Saga ends in 2025 it will have been 17 years, and there is absolutely no end in sight for the biggest franchise in the history of cinema.
That is a mighty long time, and has made for soon to be 30 movies and eight Disney+ series so far. With each outing acting as something of a small piece of a much larger puzzle, connecting everything to everything else, it allows for literally limitless fan theories.
A lot of these theories have grown to become incredibly popular over the years. Some have been proven right, some have been way off the mark, and there is still time for others to have their final verdict. Some of these have been around for years, some for a lot less, but regardless of how old they are they just won’t die.
Even when it seems that it has been all but officially debunked, if there is no real way to ever confirm if they are correct or not, or if MCU fans are just that stubborn that they won’t let go of something, there are theories throughout the fandom that will be around forever.
10. Natasha Romanoff Is Alive

It was one of the most emotional moments of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, if somewhat overshadowed by Tony Stark’s death later in the movie, when Natasha Romanoff sacrificed herself for the good of the Avengers and for the universe as a whole.
Thor wanted to use the stones to bring her back, while Bruce Banner apparently tried when he brought everyone else back, but as Clint said, it couldn’t be taken back. That was what the Red Skull said anyway, as something called an everlasting exchange doesn’t feel like it’s easily undone.
However, MCU fans aren’t convinced that Hulk didn’t bring her back. After all, how could he possibly know? In theory, if she would have returned, surely it would have been on Vormir where she died, with no way of letting anyone know and no way of escaping.
Even in the Loki trailer, the image of the back of Sylvie’s head on Lamentis did look like Natasha’s Infinity War look, and the fires of this particular theory were stoked. Naturally this was disproven in Loki, not to mention the that timeline wouldn’t have worked in terms of her hair style, but fans have not been deterred. The thing about this theory is that it likely won’t ever be fully debunked, which will always be enough to give fans hope.