10 MCU Loose Ends That Will Mean Something In Phase 4

7. The Secret Of The Twins

Scarlet Witch The Winter Soldier
Marvel Studios

Thanks to Marvel's lack of mutant rights and a weird quirk of ownership, Kevin Feige's studio could use Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, but weren't allowed to call them mutants or refer to their famous dad. Their answer was not to make them Inhumans as they easily could have (but thankfully avoided), but rather to have their powers "awakened" or created by HYDRA's experiments with Loki's sceptre.

The thing is, they weren't the only test subjects. Wolfgang Von Strucker's HYDRA plans were to build an army of super-powered humans, but only the twins survived. The question you have to ask here is why and it's not something the MCU has explored. Yet.

If the rumours that New Mutants is going to be co-opted into Marvel's Phase 4 without mention of mutants, then the secret of how the twins got their powers could be about to mean a great deal. Because, rumour has it, Kevin Feige doesn't want to introduce them as mutants, but rather simply as mysteriously empowered individuals, which would suggest that he needs precedent for that to happen. If the twins's story is changed slightly and we get a more overt suggestion that they were latently powered and the sceptre "woke them up" then the same could be used to explain the New Mutants.

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