10 MCU Loose Ends That Will Mean Something In Phase 4

2. The Earthquakes Off Wakanda

Namor X-Men
Marvel Comics

Perhaps this is wishful thinking, but there's a huge opportunity in Black Panther II - currently sighted right at the end of the fourth phase - to address not one but two loose ends from previous MCU movies.

The bigger of the two is the most recent. As the surviving heroes reported back to Black Widow in Endgame, Okoye mentioned some underwater earthquakes off the coast of Wakanda. Tying that activity - and its location - back to a fan-favourite Easter Egg from Iron Man 2, we could well be looking at Namor's debut in Ryan Coogler's second Panther movie.

It would make sense that a new unknown threat would appear for Wakanda too - after all, the first threat to T'Challa's rule came from within and his decision to then open Wakanda's doors lead to concerns about possible external threats. For that to be inverted so that the threat comes from below, as Wakanda's activity threatens to disrupt Atlantis would be a genius move.

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