10 MCU Phase 4 Rumours That Could Change Everything

2. Namor Is Coming To Wakanda

Namor Came First
Marvel Comics

The first mutant that comes to the MCU might not be an X-Men team member or a Brotherhood Of The Mutants recruit - it could be Namor the Sub-Mariner.

He's already been teased in the MCU already thanks to some Easter Eggs (including that mysterious marker on the map in Iron Man 2) and now rumour has it he'll appear as the antagonist in Black Panther II.

We've even already seen it set up, thanks to Avengers: Endgame, which introduced the idea of earthquakes off the coast of Wakanda. What if those aren't Earthquakes at all and are in fact activity in Atlantis, where Namor fears that T'Challa's decision to open the borders of his formerly secretive country puts his own undersea home in danger of discovery?

Either way, it's a persistent rumour and it definitely makes a lot of sense.

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