10 MCU Scenes You Didn't Realise Were Tricking You

From subtle CGI, to other MCU moments that brilliantly pulled the super-wool over your eyes...

Spider-Man No Way Home
Marvel Studios

Whether they like it or not, just about every talented soul to sign on the dotted MCU line has found themselves being put in the unenviable position of having to lie through their teeth or hilarious act dumb in order to trick audiences into believing an almost inevitable twist actually isn't on the cards or that each and every super-face involved is actually making it out of an incoming project alive.

But said deceiving of the paying MCU public also extends to those behind the camera, too, with every outstanding team behind a new instalment of Marvel goodness finding new and exciting ways to pull the wool over fans eyes in a bid to either keep them on their toes or not break them out of the compelling tale being told.

And your writer is pleased to report that each of the following marvellous entries did precisely that, either through stunning subtle CGI or stellar cutting in the editing room, with next to nobody outside of the crew working on the juggernaut Marvel franchise being aware that they were being ingeniously duped at all.. until now!

10. Vision Isn't Purple In Those Black And White Scenes - WandaVision

Spider-Man No Way Home
Marvel Studios

The folks behind Marvel's first-ever Disney+ series by the name of WandaVision went to some rather extreme lengths in order to create a production that was as era appropriate as possible during the sequences paying homage to very specific eras in sitcom history - something that will be touched on again before the end of this list!

In particular, the moments that took place in the black and white world of the '50s required a rather significant change to Paul Bettany's process of becoming good ol' Vis. Instead of being painted in his typical purple for the scenes involving the vibranium leading light playing happy families with Elizabeth Olsen's Wanda Maximoff, the team forging the hit show had to alter their plans upon realising that purple didn't translate all too well in black and white.

So, with blue looking far better in greyscale, Bettany donned a noticeably different shade during the shooting of those earlier moments in the series. Although you'd be forgiven for assuming all was well and purple upon taking in the loving couple's first dances in front of a legitimately live TV audience, highlighting just how effective this cheeky colour alteration undoubtedly was in the end.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...