10 MCU Scenes You Didn't Realise Were Tricking You

7. Laura Haddock Recorded Peter Quill's Mom Letter In The Back Of A Car - Guardians Of The Galaxy

Spider-Man No Way Home

Despite the fact that Marvel's frequent jaw-dropping, out-of-this-world offerings boast some of the most eye-watering budgets currently occupying the movie business, that still hasn't stopped some of the creators from cutting a few corners and thinking outside the box en-route to delivering some of the franchise's most impactful moments.

Take the beat that sees Chris Pratt's Peter Quill emotionally unpack the gift his late mother Meredith gave her boy in the closing stages of Guardians of the Galaxy. Instead of having Laura Haddock deliver her heartbreaking words to her son via letter in a lavish recording studio, James Gunn would later reveal in some live Facebook commentary on the film that he was actually sat next to the British actor in a car when she recorded this emotional monologue.

Going further, the Guardians director would also admit to being moved to tears during Haddock's performance, and somewhat relieved when it became clear that they wouldn't have to "redo" the speech later down the road, with Gunn claiming the "perfect" delivery you hear in the finished film was in fact "those lines, read in a car, on set in London.”


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...