10 MCU Trailer Moments That Broke The Internet

8. Broken Shield - Avengers: Age Of Ultron

Spider-Man No Way Home

Age Of Ultron was one of the most anticipated movies of the year it came out. The success of the first Avengers film could not be underestimated, and with Joss Whedon returning to the director’s chair, it was expected for this movie to be just as much of a smash hit.

The trailer dropped, and instantly, the internet broke. It showed a new villain in Ultron that proved to be the most prominent force the Avengers have faced so far. The whole thing was eerie and filled with a sense of hopelessness. Almost as if this would be the end of all.

The Avengers have met their match with Ultron. And there was one shot that portrayed this feeling more than any other. A brief take of a broken Captain America shield as Ultron states that there are no strings on him; nobody can do anything to stop him.

To say it was a shocking moment would be an understatement. It was a perfect sendoff to a trailer for a movie that seemed to be the biggest film of the MCU yet.


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