10 Memorable Deaths From TERRIBLE Horror Movies
3. Hunt Wynorski - The Final Destination
The Final Destination is the worst entry in the franchise, with terrible special effects and even worse characters. One genuinely notable scene in the film, however, is Hunt Wynorski's death at the swimming pool.
Hunt is one of the movie's principal characters and one of the most obnoxious in the entire series. He is horny, insensitive, and does not care for anyone but himself. After he harasses a kid in a public pool, Hunt gets his comeuppance when his lucky coin falls into the pool. He swims to retrieve it, but due to Death's design, the pool drain sucks Hunt in.
It is a lengthy sequence where Hunt is stuck underwater, unable to reach the surface. And if slowly drowning isn't painful enough, things get worse as his internal organs are sucked in through his butt. We then see the aftermath as protagonist Nick witnesses the pool's drainage pipe explode with Hunt's blood and guts.
Part of the charm of this scene is The Final Destination's tongue-in-cheek approach to its deaths. Earlier on, a racist is killed as 'Why Can't We Be Friends' is playing. Here, Hunt, who is written as an 'a**hole,' has his own sucked in by the pool.