10 Meta Horror Movies That Deserve More Attention

1. Behind The Mask: The Rise Of Leslie Vernon

The Final Girls
Anchor Bay Entertainment

Few horror mockumentaries have pushed the meta-humour as creatively as Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon. The film revolves around a wannabe serial killer, who hires a film crew to document his inevitable murder spree.

Instead of killing with no rhyme or reason, the titular villain plans everything to the letter, including his victims, the venue for his massacre, his Final Girl, and his nemesis (or his "Ahab" as he calls it).

He points out the importance of stinger kills and leaving breadcrumbs, so his inevitable showdown is more impactful. To make sure every grand reveal is as overdramatic as possible, Leslie took time out of his busy schedule to study theatre. (He may be a killer but he's very professional.) The film goes double-meta in the climax, when the documentary team finds themselves inside the very slasher they were filming.

After seeing how thorough Leslie is with his "work," horror fans can't help wonder how psychopaths from other movies make their preparations. Does Michael Myers need hiding spots to jump out and scare his victims? Does Jason Voorhees practise his disappearing act? Did Jigsaw try different voices before finding one that fit his alter-ego?

Not only is Behind the Mask an ingenious horror through-and-through, it makes viewers appreciate the slasher genre in a whole new way.

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