10 Mexican Horror Movies Every Horror Fan Should Watch

5. México Bárbaro (2014)

Tigers Are Not Afraid

México Bárbaro (aka. Barbarous Mexico) is a 2014 horror film like no other. Seemingly taking influence from the likes of American Horror Story and Trick 'r Treat whose format had been growing increasingly popular over the years, México Bárbaro is one of the first examples of a Mexican horror film being split into an anthology of eight totally unique stories.

Each of these eight stories have their own director from the world of Mexican cinema, with some being relative newcomers and others being seasoned pros, and, as such, all have their own themes, tones and identities. One of the leading lights in the new Cine de Terror Mexicano movement, the movie coves some of the bloodiest tales from the region's most famous folklore, ranging from wicked trolls, ancient Aztec rituals and even its very own interpretation of the Boogeyman.

México Bárbaro was acquired by Netflix for streaming in 2016 and a sequel, México Bárbaro II was released back in 2017. Mexican horror has so many myths and legends that provide the genre with its inspiration, but for seeing as many of them as possible, México Bárbaro could just be the perfect go-to.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.