10 Minor Character Deaths That Changed Star Wars FOREVER

1. Arvel Crynyd Bought Lando Enough Time To Blow Up The Death Star II

Star Wars Arvel Crynyd

From one Death Star destruction to another, and ending this list on one final vital sacrifice, the name "Arvel Crynyd" isn't given the respect it unquestionably deserves.

If it weren't for this lionhearted Rebel Green Leader, would the Alliance have been able to successfully take down the Emperor's second destructive super weapon and move one step closer to taking down the Galactic Empire once and for all? Possibly not.

With Lando Calrissian and a few other fighters entering the Death Star II to blow it up from within, Admiral Ackbar knew that the Rebels outside needed to buy them some time and hold off the rest of the Empire's forces. And it's here when all firepower was concentrated on the Super Star Destroyer known as the Executor.

Not long after the bridge's deflector shields were knocked out, a Crynyd who'd been hit by a laser shot soon realised he was done for. But with his final act, he just about managed to steer his crashing ship into said bridge, taking out everyone within it during this epic sacrifice.

The Executor then lost power and smashed into the Death Star, with Green Leader's last breath being a major turning point in the Battle of Endor and an act which helped give Lando and Wedge Antilles the time needed to destroy the second Death Star.

After playing a crucial part in changing the galaxy and making it a safer place, he was posthumously rewarded with the Medal of Alderaan for his bravery.

Well deserved.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...