10 Minor Character Deaths That Changed Star Wars FOREVER

9. Paige Tico's Sacrifice Allows The Resistance To Escape D'Qar

Star Wars Arvel Crynyd

Easily the most memorable deaths that went down during Episode VIII - The Last Jedi belonged to a sliced-in-half Supreme Leader Snoke and a Luke Skywalker who'd just used all of his remaining strength to project himself across the galaxy.

But there was another death which was perhaps just as impactful as the end of Skywalker and Snoke.

Giving her life during the opening moments of this middle sequel, Paige Tico's brave actions as the Resistance attempted to evacuate D'Qar and get away from the First Order proved that even the smallest characters could change this galaxy forever.

After being knocked out in the middle of the space battle, Paige eventually came to and chose to use what energy she had left to set off the bombs and blow up a dreadnought as her ship fell into the flames. It was this heroic final act that gave the Resistance the opening to successfully flee from the enemy - for a bit, anyway.

Obviously the First Order would end up catching up to the Resistance due to their hyperspace tracking technology. But had Rose Tico's sister not paid the ultimate price here, there wouldn't have been a Resistance to chase at all.

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