10 Minor Character Deaths That Changed Star Wars FOREVER

3. The Rebels Who Gave Their Lives To Get The Death Star Plans To Leia

Star Wars Arvel Crynyd

The closing stages of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story involve Darth Vader, well, going full Darth Vader.

Ripping through a ton of nameless Rebel soldiers, this pissed-off Sith Lord will evidently stop at nothing to get his cybernetic hand on the Death Star plans that had just been stolen by the good guys. And it was during this properly intense sequence when many a Rebel decided to do all they could to prevent the one-time Anakin Skywalker from doing precisely that. 

If they all just put their hands up, surrendered and handed those all-important blueprints back to the Empire here when faced with this terrifying figure, there goes the Rebel Alliance's hopes of taking out this evil organisation.

They didn't, though. This lot bravely blasted their weapons at Vader, and were viciously impaled and choked by the cyborg as they desperately passed the plans from Rebel to Rebel on the Profundity. And their courageous sacrifices would ultimately lead to the destruction of the Empire's big bad superweapon. 

Along with...

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...