10 Minor Star Wars Characters Who Suffered Horrific Fates

2. The Decraniated - Solo: A Star Wars Story

Bib Fortuna Legends

They may have initially seemed like little more than another intriguing background figure wandering around in this galaxy far, far away during their appearances in Solo: A Star Wars Story and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, but the truth behind these Decraniated souls is about as distressing as it gets.

Created by the creepy cosmetic surgeon Doctor Cornelius Evazan - the bloke seen trying to beat up Luke Skywalker in the Mos Eisley Catina during Episode IV: A New Hope - these strange, half-headed beings were actually horrifically modified humans designed to be subservient cyberslaves that could be sold to make his then-boss Crimson Dawn's Dryden Vos a bit of extra cash.

But things got that little more disturbing when Evazan eventually ended up on Jedha.

It was revealed in the Visual Guide for Rogue One that the always-experimenting surgeon opted to keep creating more of the Decraniated, this time taking injured victims from the local insurgency, shockingly modifying them so they didn't possess an identity, and then selling them off as unwilling servants.

Fates don't come much more appalling than being forced into a life of servitude and having your entire personality ripped away just to make a bit of extra money. Horrific stuff.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...