10 Modern Action Film Stars Who Failed To Meet Their Potential

1. Dwayne Johnson

As one of the most popular, bankable and highest-earning stars in the industry, you may be wondering what Dwayne Johnson is doing at the top of a list comprised of action stars who have failed to meet their potential. The simple reason is that outside of the established brands that have earned him the moniker of 'franchise Viagra', his action hero track record hasn't been all that great ever since he ditched the wrestling ring for the big screen. His first leading role in The Scorpion King did earn over $165m at the box office, but like all of his biggest hits the movie was marketed on the strength of an existing brand, in this case The Mummy franchise. The Rundown, a criminally underrated flick, failed to earn back its $85m budget while Walking Tall and Doom fared little better at the box office, and weren't particularly good either. After an ill-advised detour into terrible family comedies, Johnson returned to the action genre with Faster, which only made $35m at the box office. In fact, the biggest hits of his career have come with either supporting roles in studio comedies (Get Smart, The Other Guys) or parts in already-established franchises (Journey 3D, Fast and Furious, G.I. Joe). Even his passion project Hercules has suffered from a lukewarm critical and commercial reaction, and looks set to close with well under $300m in worldwide grosses. For an actor that has reinvigorated several franchises, it seems very strange that Dwayne Johnson does not yet lead one of his own. Perhaps the currently-shooting San Andreas will rectify this, but for one of the most naturally charismatic talents in Hollywood that boasts strong acting skills, great physical presence and impeccable comic timing, he has yet to truly fulfill his almost-unlimited potential as an action star. Do you agree that these action stars haven't met their potential? Will any of these names ever make a convincing action hero? Are there any other names that you would have included? As always, sign off in the comments below.

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