10 Modern Movie Poster Trends That Need To Die

7. We Can't See You For The Text

Rom Com Posters
Paramount/Momentum Pictures/Warner Bros/Open Road Films/20th Century Fox/Pathe/Columbia

This is either a sure-fire way to create an iconic and memorable poster that stands the test of time, or ensure that nobody comes to see your film. While The Martian serves as a great example of the former, these designs can often walk a fine line between creating an eye-catching tagline, and completely distracting viewers from the title of the film itself.

Case in point: Tom Cruise vehicle Edge of Tomorrow has all but been renamed Live. Die. Repeat. – a much snappier and easily understandable title that the studio’s marketing team put more emphasis on for Edge of Tomorrow’s posters.

In other examples, such as Rings or The King’s Speech, the large and cumbersome placement of text simply obscures an otherwise striking image, and comes off looking more like a tacky Keep Calm and Carry On poster. In the case of Rings, specifically, what purpose does the bulky text even serve?

Most people are already familiar with the concept of The Ring and its killer tape, so doubling down on this as a marketing tactic seems a little redundant, especially when focusing on Samara (an already recognisable and appreciated horror figure) or the infamous ‘Ringu well’ would make for a much better poster.


Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.