10 Moments Of Star Wars Foreshadowing You Never Noticed
7. A Silhouette Is Worth More Than A Thousand Words
Silhouettes and shadows became something of a hallmark of George Lucas' Prequel Trilogy when all was said and done.
First using them as a way to tease what lay ahead for a young Anakin Skywalker in the promotional material for The Phantom Menace by having a Darth Vader figure bleed onto a Tatooine house behind lil' Ani, Lucas also relied upon shadows to tell blink-and-you'll-miss-them story beats - looking at you, Jango Fett head tumbling out of his helmet post-decapitation.
In that very same Prequel feature, though, lay another overlooked setting of the stage for the future; acting as the cinematic accompaniment to that aforementioned piece of not-so-subtle marketing.
Coming during Skywalker's trip back home to save his momma in Attack of the Clones, the shadows that trickle from himself and eventual lover Padmé Amidala hint at the devastating direction their lives are about to head down.
Lighting the moment to perfection or simply altering it in post-production - I'll let you decide - the conflicted Jedi's shadow eerily mirrors that of the frightening Sith Lord he will ultimately become, with his scooting around on a speed bike in the same flick also giving us another Vader-esque visual to chew on.