10 Moments Of Star Wars Foreshadowing You Never Noticed

3. "There's Always A Bigger Fish" Is More Than A Cool One-Liner

Clone wars

Providing a great many important soundbites over the course of his all too brief live action stint as part of the Skywalker Saga, Qui-Gon Jinn's introducing of Midi-chlorians and wish to see Anakin Skywalker trained by his padawan Obi-Wan are just a few of the hugely significant words uttered by the opinionated Jedi Master.

Yet, arguably his most under-appreciated line of dialogue over the course of The Phantom Menace undoubtedly comes in the form of a witty one-liner that initially feels like little more than a way to alleviate the underwater tension.

In the midst of a perilous, submerged game of cat and mouse, Qui-Gon hilariously quips "There's always a bigger fish". While definitely true for their specific situation, the same line of thinking can very much be applied to the overall Jedi-Sith war that is once again on the verge of erupting at the time of the flick.

From Anakin seemingly being The Chosen One before his son appears to take up the mantle and so on, to Darth Maul merely acting as the first of many increasingly difficult Dark Side hurdles our heroes will be forced to leap over throughout the coming trilogies, Qui-Gon was under no illusions - there is, indeed, always a bigger fish.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...