10 More Actors Who Gave Their Best Performances In Movies Nobody Saw

9. Scarlett Johansson - Under The Skin

Aubrey Plaza Black Bear

Scarlett Johansson has amassed an impressive body of work over the last two-or-so decades, enough that her performance in Lost in Translation and Oscar-nominated turns in Marriage Story and Jojo Rabbit are all conceivable contenders for career-bests.

But her most impressive and truly transformative performance was in a much smaller, niche project which couldn't have seemed much more offputting to both mainstream audiences and Oscar voters.

Jonathan Glazer's sci-fi masterpiece Under the Skin stars Johansson as an unnamed, man-devouring alien creature inexplicably traipsing around Scotland while donning the guise of a beautiful human woman.

Johansson doesn't say much throughout the film at all, yet it's a performance that's considerably tougher to pull off than it might at first seem.

Her extraterrestrial protagonist spends basically the entire movie quietly dumbfounded by the rituals of human existence, and through her subtle facial expressions and physical movements, Johansson manages to say a lot without really saying anything at all.

Despite being produced for a svelte $13.3 million and the press constantly hyping up Johansson's nudity in the film, Under the Skin failed to make much of a dent with audiences, grossing just $7.3 million globally.

Almost a decade after its release Under the Skin is rarely discussed outside of cineaste circles, which is a damn shame.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.