10 More Actors Who Hate Their Own Movie Performances

7. Emma Stone - Aloha

Boogie Nights
Columbia Pictures

2015's Aloha caused plentiful controversy before, during and after its release, with that largely down to how Emma Stone was cast as the half-Chinese, half-Hawaiian lead of Cameron Crowe's picture.

Stone has no Chinese or Hawaiian heritage, and this was yet another example of Hollywood's uncomfortable habit of 'whitewashing' when it comes to far too many roles to count.

Seemingly unaware of how problematic her casting as Captain Allison Ng was upon taking the role, the aftermath of the movie's release saw the penny finally drop for the Academy Award winner - with her showing disappointment in her performance and her lack of awareness.

In an interview with News.com.au, Stone expressed her remorse for ever taking on Aloha.

"I've learned on a macro level about the insane history of whitewashing in Hollywood and how prevalent the problem truly is. It's ignited a conversation that's very important."

Other notable recent examples of whitewashing include Rooney Mara as Tiger Lily in Pan, Scarlett Johansson as Motoko Kusanagi in Ghost in the Shell, Christian Bale as Moses in Exodus: Gods and Kings, and Jim Sturgess as Hae-Joo Chang in Cloud Atlas.

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