10 More Actors Who Refused To Promote Their Own Movies

9. Ed Harris - The Abyss

Cameron Diaz The Counselor

James Cameron is legendary for his movies' troublesome productions, and The Abyss was no different. Because the main cast were submerged underwater for extended periods of time, it was a nightmare for everyone involved. What's worse is that most of the action scenes revolving around flooding and dodging collapsing debris were performed by the actors, not stuntworkers. As bad as it was for the ensemble, no one suffered more than the lead actor, Ed Harris.

Cameron kept Harris underwater for so long, he nearly drowned multiple times. Things got so heated, it's been reported Harris socked the director in the face after filming a particularly gruelling scene. Because Cameron ordered Harris not to blink for the underwater scenes, the chlorine constantly burned his eyes. After driving home one day during production, Harris pulled over the car and started crying out of frustration.

Harris found the entire experience so traumatic, he refused to talk about the production for years. In his own words, "Asking me how I was treated on The Abyss is like asking a soldier how he was treated in Vietnam."

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