10 More Actors Who Visibly Hated These Movie Roles

3. Robert Pattinson - The Twilight Series

Twilight Robert Pattinson Kristen Stewart
Summit Entertainment

When it comes to actors taking dumps on their own movies, few can hold a candle to the shower of excrement Robert Pattinson has buried the Twilight films in over the years.

Edward Cullen himself has said all sorts of hilariously nasty things about the franchise, including that the books the movies are based on should never have been published.

You leave Stephanie Meyer out of this!

R Patz's apathy towards the world of vampires is plain as day if you sit down and watch the films. We understand that Edward's character is meant to be aloof, but after reading some of the star's comments, we're not sure how much acting actually went into his turn on screen.

As fun as it is for sites like this one to take the Twilight films to task, at least we didn't get paid millions of dollars for starring in them. Pattinson can feel how he wants to feel, but it is extremely unprofessional to be this callous about your own work.

You don't see Daniel Radcliffe doing this to Harry Potter, do you? Mainly because those films are actually good, but still!


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.