10 More Awesome Plot Twists That Totally Saved Terrible Movies

7. It's All A Simulation (But The Curse Is Real) - Ghosts Of War

Smokin Aces Ryan Reynolds
Vertical Entertainment

"It was all a simulation/dream!" twists are pretty played out these days and certainly sound lame on paper, but within the context of a war film, it's actually a pretty interesting idea - especially when it comes totally out of left-field.

Ghosts of War takes place in France amid World War II, where a platoon of five American soldiers are tasked with guarding a chateau, which they soon come to believe is haunted by a malevolent supernatural presence.

During a ghostly attack later on, protagonist Chris (Brenton Thwaites) wakes up in a brightly lit room with a group of doctors watching him. As it turns out, he and the other soldiers have been hooked up to a simulation resembling World War II in an attempt to help them recover from PTSD.

Indeed, Chris and his squadmates are modern American soldiers who were critically wounded while fighting in Afghanistan, but there's more.

The surviving member of the family the soldiers failed to protect in Afghanistan cursed them moments before detonating the suicide vest which injured them all, and the curse turns out to be very real.

The curse has caused the simulation itself to be haunted by the ghosts of the fallen family members, and so Chris vows to re-enter the simulation in order to make peace with them.

However, just as he plans to do so, the machine running the simulation wipes his memory, forcing him to re-live the whole scenario with no knowledge of these shocking revelations. Grim.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.