10 More Awesome Plot Twists That Totally Saved Terrible Movies

5. Kirsty Traded Her Husband To Pinhead - Hellraiser: Hellseeker

Smokin Aces Ryan Reynolds
Dimension Films

The sixth Hellraiser film admittedly has few fans, rocking a brutal 0% on the Tomatometer, and even the return of franchise heroine Kirsty Cotton (Ashley Laurence) couldn't give it much juice.

Hellseeker does manage to slightly compensate for its risible filmmaking and scant runtime afforded to Pinhead (Doug Bradley), however, with its climactic twist.

It's eventually revealed that philandering protagonist Trevor (Dean Winters) had been scheming to kill his wife, Kirsty, by making her open the Lament Configuration puzzle box once again.

But when Kirsty opened it, she instead made a deal with Pinhead, agreeing to trade her husband and four additional souls to him in exchange for her own freedom.

The four other souls end up being three of Trevor's extra-marital partners and a friend who was helping him plot Kirsty's murder, each of whom Kirsty murders while framing Trevor as the killer.

Trevor then realises that the car crash he was involved in at the start of the movie was caused by Kirsty shooting him in the head, and he's been residing in a hellish limbo ever since.

While not all Hellraiser fans loved this direction for Kirsty's character, it was nevertheless the most creative and unexpected that the Hellraiser franchise had been in a good while.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.