10 More Awesome Plot Twists That Totally Saved Terrible Movies

2. Gabriel Is Madison's Parasitic Twin - Malignant

Malignant Annabelle Wallis
Warner Bros.

James Wan's Malignant is, for better or worse, one of the most unforgettable and talked-about movies of last year - a seemingly generic supernatural horror film albeit one harbouring a most brilliantly unhinged plot twist.

The bulk of the movie revolves around Madison (Annabelle Wallis), a woman who believes she's being stalked by Gabriel, her childhood imaginary friend who is inexplicably manifesting in the real world as a cloaked serial killer.

The first two-thirds of the film are an abject mess, full of wonky directorial choices, stilted acting, and outrageously awful dialogue, enough that some have suggested the film may have been an act of wink-wink self-parody on Wan's part.

But Malignant transforms into something else entirely with its nutso third act reveal, that Gabriel is actually Madison's parasitic twin.

While most of Gabriel was surgically removed in Madison's youth, a vestigial part remains connected to her brain, and when her abusive husband pushes her head against a wall at the start of the film, it sets Gabriel free and allows him to take control of Madison's body.

And so, the cloaked, mysterious figure we've seen doing all the killings throughout the film is actually Madison as possessed by Gabriel, "his" jerky body movements a result of Gabriel operating Madison's body backwards.

Wan certainly follows up with a bevy of entertainingly gory violence as Gabriel slaughters his way through anyone that gets in his way, just about justifying sitting through 90 minutes of genuinely terrible genre schlock in the process.

Were it not for that big reveal, Malignant would've been forgotten in a week, but now it's destined to live on as a campy cult classic for years and perhaps even decades.

But before we reveal our #1 pick, if you haven't yet seen Roland Emmerich's Moonfall, spoilers will follow...

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.