10 More Best Movie Twists You Genuinely Never Saw Coming

6. The Lego Universe Is A Child's Imagination - The Lego Movie

Blade Runner 2049
Warner Bros.

The Lego Movie pulled off an incredibly bold and daring twist that could've so easily fallen totally flat.

The film was marketed as a purely animated adventure, yet in the third act, Lego everyman Emmet (Chris Pratt) falls down a portal which leads him to... the human world.

At this point, The Lego Movie shifts to live-action, while revealing that the events of the story so far have been played out by an eight-year-old boy, Finn (Jadon Sand), and that the villainous Lord Business (Will Ferrell) is really a parallel of Finn's father (also played by Ferrell), who dislikes his son playing with his precious Lego set.

In the wrong hands this could've been terrible, yet seeing the parallels between the Lego universe and the real world, it ends up feeling like a joyous celebration of creativity and play, that something so imaginative could be rustled up by a kid playing with some colourful plastic bricks.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.