10 More Bizarre Star Wars Moments You Just Accepted

1. The Sound Of Explosions In Space

Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones Obi-Wan Kenobi

This is a weird regular occurrence Star Wars fans have just been happily accepting for decades, and it's not hard to see why.

In real-life, you can't hear any sounds in space because it's a vacuum. There's almost no matter in it. And with there being no molecules or atoms to carry sound waves, no noises can be heard.

So, all of those times when Death Stars have exploded and made one hell of a bang? That simply would not be possible. But where would the fun be in this galaxy far, far away if TIE fighters shot out lasers that made zero noise as they left their cannons? 

We'd also be living in a world without the deeply satisfying sound of a seismic charge ripping through space. And that's not a life worth even thinking about, is it?

While it's certainly a bizarre detail that isn't even remotely accurate based on the way our galaxy works, Star Wars fans have accepted that this universe plays by its own rules. In this space, you can hear the glorious sound of X-Wings and TIE fighters roaring through it and starships jumping to hyperspace, and that's the way fans like it.

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