10 More Bizarre Star Wars Moments You Just Accepted

4. Palpatine Had A Reactor Shaft In His Throne Room

Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones Obi-Wan Kenobi

Before he'd eventually make his unwanted return in the sequel trilogy, Emperor Palpatine famously perished on the Death Star II towards the end of Episode VI - Return of the Jedi.

He hilariously met his end after being picked up and chucked down a reactor shaft on that massive space station by Darth Vader, with the cyborg Sith Lord finally seeing the light and saving his baby boy from Palps' lightning before it was too late. But with all this shocking and fist-pumping mayhem going down, you've probably never stopped to ask yourself one rather important question. Why on earth did Sheev have a damn reactor shaft in his throne room in the first place?

Some would argue that it was simply a way to intimidate all who stepped into his office at the top of his tall tower of evil on the superweapon. Or perhaps it was just his way of keeping himself somewhat connected to the terrifying power the space station possessed.

In reality, though, it was put there to epically and swiftly get rid of the original trilogy's big bad at the right moment, with most fans not really thinking twice about the bizarre hole and just accepting that this completely pointless shaft is the sort of odd but cool thing you would find in your average evil lair. 

Because why not?


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...