10 More CGI Movie Shots You Never Noticed
5. A Real Door, But A Digital Home - The Wolf Of Wall Street
Folks tend to think of many, many things when Martin Scorsese's black comedy based on the life and career of real-life stockbroker Jordan Belfort pops up in a conversation: seamless CGI usually isn't one of them, though.
But Marty's The Wolf of Wall Street does very much contain a ton of wonderful CGI shots that are so well done, very few even realised they were being digitally tricked whilst taking in this slick story of corruption and greed.
The brilliant artists over at Brainstorm Digital eventually revealed just how many of the scenes in Scorsese's 2013 epic were created with a little CG assistance.
Much of the background seen when Naomi Lapaglia wanders to their yacht in Italy, for example, was actually digitally created, with that particular scene being shot in a studio. Then you have the moment when Jordan goes to visit Naomi's Aunt Emma.
Though it may look like he's just rocked up to a fancy cream home in London, this was actually originally a brick building in real-life, with everything but the door being incredibly digitally replaced for the moment Jordan enters Emma's lush flat.
Take a bow, Brainstorm Digital. Take a bow.