10 More Deleted Star Wars Moments You Won't Believe Nearly Happened

6. Ahsoka Speaks With The Bendu Before Facing Vader - Star Wars Rebels

Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith High Ground
Disney XD

While the name itself would actually first show up in the first draft for the original Star Wars movie, with those pages mentioning the Jedi-Bendu, the small-screen debut of it actually occurred during the Star Wars Rebels animated series.

Voiced by Doctor Who's Tom Baker and appearing in the first episode of season three, the Bendu, a being that represented the centre of the Force, would cross paths with the likes of Ezra Bridger and Kanan Jarrus in the show.

One character who didn't get to share the screen with this wise Force-sensitive being, however, was the legendary Ahsoka Tano. But that's not to say that she didn't meet Bendu at all.

In fact, according to Rebels creator Dave Filoni, a scene which saw the two talking was actually written and went down during The Mystery of Chopper Base episode. But while the moment did actually happen within the universe, it didn't quite make it into the finished episode.

Filoni would ultimately reveal some of the dialogue from and the artwork for that scene which never ended up on the screen on X. 

Tano's conversation with the powerful and wise creature involved the Bendu telling her that a lot was about to change, including Ahsoka, due to her then-upcoming encounter with her former master Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader on Malachor - and by change, he meant "death".

There's no such thing as too much Bendu, so getting to see Tano interact with the huge, captivating entity would have no doubt been a delight. Instead, fans were left to simply imagine what this exchange would have looked like based on Filoni's revealing tweet.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...