10 More Disturbing Movie Moments You Never Noticed

2. Looney Tunes Is "Looney Toons" - The Flash

The Flash
Warner Bros.

If perhaps not quite as skin-crawling as some other entries on this list, The Flash's temporal tinkering with reality is sure to leave many hysterically screaming "Mandela Effect!"

When Barry (Ezra Miller) ends up in an alternate 2013, a lot of things are different, and unlike most time travel movies, The Flash quite hilariously fixates on how even pop-culture has been adversely altered in this alt-timeline.

Case in point, Back to the Future now stars Eric Stoltz instead of Michael J. Fox - a nod to the fact that Stoltz originally filmed a substantial chunk of the film before being fired.

And there's another nod hiding in plain sight - alt-Barry's computer monitor has a wallpaper for "Looney Toons," rather than Looney Tunes

Many among us will recall - with some embarrassment, it must be said - coming to the realisation too late in life that Warner Bros.' animated empire wasn't in fact called Looney Toons, and even to this very day, there are those who swear that they're being gaslit about it.

And so, this sight gag from The Flash just might leave you twisting yourself into knots and doubting the fabric of your very existence all over again.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.