10 More Disturbing Things Found In The Background Of Horror Movies

1. Austin Powers' Penis Enlarger - Scary Movie 2

Signs Hand
Dimension Films

And to end our list on something of a lighter albeit no less unsettling note, we have a toe-curlingly icky visual gag from almighty horror-comedy Scary Movie 2.

When Professor Oldman's (Tim Curry) assistant Dwight (David Cross) is hanging out in Hell House's control room, the cabinet behind him contains a most bizarre - and frankly, horrifying - object on the top shelf.

Fans of the Austin Powers franchise might find the series of tubes strangely familiar-looking - of course, they're from Austin's (Mike Myers) penis enlarger pump in the first movie.

And if you're not yet convinced that this is anything but a mere coincidence, remember that the penis enlarger is said to be Swedish in Austin Powers, and what can be seen in the cabinet alongside the pump in Scary Movie 2? Why, a Swedish flag of course.

Evidently somebody working on the Scary Movie 2 set was a big fan of Austin Powers and decided to pay tribute to it in the most hilariously weird and unexpectedly offputting way.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.