10 More Exact Moments We Knew Horror Movie Characters Were Doomed

8. Rory Breaks Quarantine - Life

Final Destination
Columbia Pictures

Life is the 2017 sci-fi horror film where a crew of an international space station discovers an extraterrestrial named Calvin. But true to the genre, the creature is not what it seems and picks the cast off, one by one.

The decoy protagonist of the film is Rory, played by Ryan Reynolds. With the most amount of screen time during the first act and the actor's star power, audiences assume he'll be a key player in the movie. But the character's one big mistake eventually guarantee that he won't be surviving the film.

You see, in an attempt to rescue fellow scientist Hugh, Rory breaks quarantine and enters the area where Calvin is lurking. Not only that, but he enters the space without a helmet or any form of protective gear. With a reckless act like that, audiences realize that Rory has set himself up for his own death scene.

He tries to combat the alien with a flamethrower but fails to do damage. Running out of fuel, he dies when the creature enters his mouth; killing him on the inside. Calvin then uses the fire vent caused by Rory as a means to escape.


Loves film, games, and music. Collects Predator figures from time to time and a huge Sonic fan.