10 More Film Secrets That Were Hiding In Plain Sight

9. The Couple From The Beginning Are Still Together At The End - Die Hard 

Friday film

Early on in Die Hard, you'll surely remember the seemingly drunk, loved-up couple who accidentally stumble into Holly's (Bonnie Bedelia) office while John McClane (Bruce Willis) is getting changed in there.

They promptly duck out, and once Hans Gruber's (Alan Rickman) terrorists siege the Nakatomi Plaza, we see them being accosted in another office, all while they're in the middle of a Christmas Eve tryst.

That seems to be end of the matter, but if you look closely during the film's final moments once Gruber and his men have been defeated, the pair can once again be seen together in the crowd outside the Plaza.

Given that we have little proper context for the pair's relationship - are they a formal couple or just co-workers drunkenly hooking up? - it's unexpected to see them reunited again once they've made it through the night.

But as the saying goes, nothing bonds people together quite like trauma, right?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.