10 More Great Actors Who Played The Worst Versions Of Characters

2. Jennifer Lawrence - Mystique

X Men First Class Mystique
20th Century Studios

There was a lot of excitement when rising star Jennifer Lawernce was cast to play a younger version of Mystique in the X-Men prequels, yet that enthusiasm speedily evaporated once audiences got a load of her performance.

In X-Men: First Class Lawrence was fine, but she lacked the reptilian athleticism and seductive allure of Rebecca Romijn's performance in the original X-Men trilogy.

This was compounded by Lawrence ditching the blue Mystique make-up for all subsequent X-Men films, opting instead for a rather naff-looking body sock due to her allergies. 

Lawrence also reportedly lobbied to feature Mystique less in her blue form in order to avoid the arduous makeup process altogether.

By the time we got to X-Men: Apocalypse and especially Dark Phoenix, it was painfully clear that Lawrence was totally checked out of the role and ready to move on. 

Despite her undeniable acting chops, she never really made the part her own unlike Romijn, who remains the definitive screen portrayal of Mystique.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.