10 More Great Horror Movies That Are Ugly On Purpose

4. Planet Terror (2007)

Last Man Mad God
Dimension Films

The counterpart to Tarantino's Death Proof, Robert Rodriguez's Planet Terror was made with the same agenda and filmmaking sensibilities, harking back to a bygone time of cheap, ugly cinema created by filmmakers on a shoestring budget.

Despite not really taking off as part of the so-called Grindhouse double bill, Planet Terror nonetheless shares a lot of the values and approaches prized by its stablemate Death Proof, for the most part managing to make a $23 million budget look like it was held together with Sellotape and PVA. Granted, a good portion of the budget likely went towards the stars - Rose McGowan, Josh Brolin, Bruce Willis, uhh, Fergie... - and the action set-pieces, but Rodriguez and his team really went out of their way to make this one as ugly as possible. 

Heavy film grain is present throughout (added in post rather than shot on old celluloid); stock footage is spliced into scenes; jumps, sudden cuts, and shuddering cameras are used to make everything seem damaged, worn and shot in single takes; and the effects are mostly practical, crafted to look as sticky, slimy, pulsating and visceral as possible.


The definitive word sculptor, editor and trend-setter. Slayer of gnomes and trolls.