10 More Great Horror Movies That Are Ugly On Purpose

2. Mad God (2021)

Last Man Mad God

A tough film to characterise, other than to say it is a stop motion from hell, Phil Tippett's 30-year labour of love Mad God takes us into the depths of an adjacent reality where the earth is wretched and war-torn and permanently screaming in pain. It is such an impressive piece of visual art, and testament to everything Tippett and his volunteers put into it, but also a stomach-churning, toe-curling, nails-on-blackboard watch that doesn't pair well with friends and a pizza.

Painstakingly crafting every small detail, Tippett had a vision of true horror for the film, unlike pretty much anything we have ever seen before. And, thankfully, his form allowed him to render everything imaginable as his nameless main character descends through levels of the earth, but which we really understand to be representations of the worst possible reality, one built from pain and suffering - in short, Hell.

Every set is gloomy, every monster and creature and instance of suffering low-key lit for maximum effect. We see giant beings permanently strapped into torture machines, many-legged and no-legged creatures of every shade imaginable oozing and creeping and consuming, medical experiments undertaken on waking subjects. And by the end, you very much would like to rinse your eyes out, if not for the fear of them turning to slime in the process.


The definitive word sculptor, editor and trend-setter. Slayer of gnomes and trolls.