10 More Great Movie Characters Who Die At The Beginning

9. Vanessa - Deadpool 2

The Other Guys Danson Highsmith
20th Century Fox

This is the one exception on this list when it comes to those being killed off in a sequel. For the majority of these characters it's the end of their story, and they have no further impact on the sequel itself. This is certainly not the case with Deadpool 2's Vanessa (Morena Baccarin), who still played a huge role in the film even after her death.

Introduced in the Merc with the Mouth's first solo outing, Vanessa was the driving force behind everything Ryan Reynolds' Wade Wilson did. His sophomore effort was absolutely no different, even in spite of Vanessa's death right at the very beginning.

When Deadpool's enemies followed him to his home, the love of his life was caught in the crossfire and killed. However, just like in the first movie, she was Wade's entire motivation, only this time it wasn't because he wanted to save her, he wanted to join her.

He would have these visions of Vanessa in the afterlife, where she would tell him that his heart wasn't in the right place . By the end, instead of wanting to die to be with her, she taught him that kids give you the opportunity to be better than you are. Though they wanted children of their own before she died, Wade still found this feeling with Rusty Collins (Julian Dennison), and thanks to her guidance was happy to live on.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.