10 More Greatest 'I'm Dead And I Know It' Moments In Movie History

1. Max Zorin Laughs Himself To Death - A View To A Kill

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Hans Gruber isn't the only legendary movie villain to take an unforgettable fall, though - we'd be remiss not to mention A View to a Kill's deranged antagonist Max Zorin, played with campy glee by the great Christopher Walken.

The film's climax takes place atop the Golden Gate Bridge, as Bond (Roger Moore) and Zorin take part in a perilous, high-wire axe fight. In the end, 007 of course manages to get the better of Zorin, who is left clinging to the side of the bridge's framework.

As he begins to lose his grip, Zorin hilariously lets out a maniacal cackle, as if finding some sort of perverse amusement that his life would end this way.

A mere second later, he slips from the framework and plunges hundreds of feet into the San Francisco Bay below.

Say what you will about A View to a Kill, but Walken's deliciously unhinged performance is surely the easy highlight.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.