10 More Happy Movie Endings That Ignored One Devastating Thing

4. Summer Lovin' Doesn't Last - Dirty Dancing

avengers endgame ending
Vestron Pictures

At the end of Dirty Dancing, Johnny and Baby are finally able to be together after their forbidden love had previously torn them apart and led to Johnny being fired (despite being cleared of theft allegations). In a final seductive dance number, Johnny turns up, tells Baby's father to step off and takes his daughter on-stage for a strangely well-choreographed dance sequence.

Everyone is united by the medium of dance, class and age group boundaries are broken down and everything is good in the world. We fade out with the party still in full flow and Johnny and Baby firmly in love.

But Wait...

First off, there's a huge age gap. Baby is a teenager and Johnny is clearly a fully grown man. This is not ideal, but it sort of misses the point that there is no way that the couple's whirlwind holiday romance will last as anything more than that.

They live far apart and the likelihood of Baby's parents allowing her to follow him to his dance studio is slim to none. And is Johnny going to move to quiet, middle-of-the-road suburbia? Not likely. Their romance is doomed to burn out as quickly as it was enflamed!


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