10 MORE Hidden Details In Opening Horror Movie Scenes

9. Ripley's Harpoon Gun - Aliens

Horror Movie SPoilers OPening Scene

Who among us doesn't love some continuity porn? Well, James Cameron's Aliens opens with some killer attention-to-detail.

As Ellen Ripley's (Sigourney Weaver) space shuttle is finally intercepted by Weyland-Yutani and they begin cutting the shuttle's door open, keep your eye on the bottom of the door.

A small object can be seen on the lower-end of the frame - but that's no mere randomly placed prop. In fact, it's the harpoon gun which Ripley used to shoot the Xenomorph out of the shuttle at the end of Alien.

In that film, Ridley Scott briefly showed the harpoon gun get trapped against the door when the Xenomorph was jettisoned out of it, and ever a stickler for the little things, Cameron ensured to keep this prop in place when returning there in his sequel.

Few would've cared if the harpoon gun wasn't there - and honestly, how many fans even remember it was supposed to be? - but Cameron clearly did his homework regardless.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.