10 MORE Hidden Details In Opening Horror Movie Scenes

4. Sylvia's "Death Kiss" - My Bloody Valentine (1981)

Horror Movie SPoilers OPening Scene

It's always good fun when horror movies hint at character deaths to come later in the movie, and 1981's original My Bloody Valentine does this in brilliantly unhinged fashion in an establishing scene.

As we're being introduced to the central characters, we see Sylvia (Helene Udy) meet up with her boyfriend John (Rob Stein), who greets her by lifting her up into the air and planting a big smooch on her.

Though it seems like a perfectly normal interaction between a couple, this actually slyly tees up how Sylvia dies much later in the film. 

When John picks Sylvia up for a kiss, he grabs her by the head and lifts her into the air, which is almost exactly how the miner kills Sylvia, when he lifts her up by her head and shoves her noggin-first into a water pipe.

Side-by-side the similarity is unmistakable, yet when John lifts Sylvia up in motion, it's much tougher to spot. More to the point, who the hell lifts someone up by their head in order to kiss them? 

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.