10 More Horror Characters That Appeared Outside Their Own Movies

7. The Grady Twins & The Woman In The Bath - Ready Player One

Annie Wilkes DirecTV
Warner Bros. Pictures

Steven Spielberg's 2018 movie Ready Player One and the novel on which it is based both draw heavily on pop culture nostalgia, so it's no surprise to find there's an entire section of the movie ripped from one of horror's greatest films.

The story takes place in a world where, to escape a rapidly decaying Earth, people seek solace in the OASIS, a huge online multiplayer video game. Hero Wade Watts and his misfit band of buddies are searching the game for a special Easter egg, when they stumble across a level modelled on Stanley Kubrick's 1980 masterpiece, The Shining.

Whilst inside the virtual Overlook hotel, the characters run into the Grady Twins - aka, the creepy "come and play with us" girls - and the horrifying shape-shifting woman who lives in Room 237. Jack Nicholson was approached about reprising his role as Jack Torrance, but he said no.

In the book, this sequence was inspired by the movie Blade Runner instead, but this had to be changed as the producers of the upcoming Blade Runner 2049 thought it might hurt their movie.

Harrison Ford definitely would have made a cameo, especially with Spielberg involved.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.