10 More Horror Movie Answers Fans Had To Wait For

1. How Is Everything Connected? - Glass

Exorcist II The Heretic

Even though M. Night Shyamalan is renowned for his mind-blowing twists, none of his work has topped The Sixth Sense's jaw-dropping ending. Having said that, Split came close. 

In that 2016 indie horror, Casey and her friends are kidnapped by Kevin Wendell Crumb, a deeply disturbed man with 24 personalities. In Split's third act, Kevin unlocks a new personality called The Beast, endowing him with superstrength and durability.

Just as it looks like the story is wrapping up, David Dunn from Unbreakable appears, proving both films are connected. Shortly after, the esteemed director announced the two characters and Unbreakable's main villain, Elijah Price, would return in a final instalment, Glass.

Although the crossover was underwhelming, it proved that David, Kevin, and Elijah's destinies have always been intertwined. In Unbreakable, David realised he was impervious to physical harm when he survived a devastating train crash. In the last scene, he learned Elijah orchestrated the crash, hoping that an unharmed "sole survivor" would emerge from the wreckage, proving the existence of real-life superheroes. 

While this was a shocking twist, Glass took it to another level, revealing Kevin's father died in that train crash, allowing his tyrannical mother to take full custody of him. The years of abuse that Kevin suffered caused him to develop his personalities and unlock his superpowers. 

So, not only is Elijah responsible for Kevin's horrific childhood, his actions indirectly led to Kevin developing his superhuman abilities. And when footage of Kevin's superstrength made it online, Elijah fulfilled his lifelong dream since he exposed superbeings to the world.

Glass was far from perfect, but this ending was a nice way to link the three movies together, allowing the overarching story to come full circle.


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