10 More Horror Movie Answers Fans Had To Wait For

5. Jason Voorhees' Immortality - Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday

Exorcist II The Heretic
New Line Cinema

Few horror villains, if any, are more indestructible than Friday the 13th's big bad, Jason Voorhees. The hockey mask-wearing zombie has been drowned, impaled, electrocuted, crushed, melted, and blown to pieces. Nevertheless, the world's scariest mommy's boy just keeps on coming.

Since Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday was touted as the last entry in the franchise (which it wasn't), the writers decided to unveil the origins behind the brute's invincibility. And the big revelation was... pretty stupid. 

In the film's opening, Jason is led into a trap by an FBI SWAT team, where's he blown to kingdom come. But at the morgue, the coroner is compelled to consume Jason's dark heart, transferring the maniac's essence to him. 

Over time, it's explained that a demon called the Hellbaby has been residing in Jason's heart for many years. This creature endows Jason with superhuman strength, invulnerability, and a compulsion to take lives and consume their souls. The Hellbaby can only be killed by a mystical dagger, which is why Jason could never be put down for good in the past.

Only after being stabbed with the dagger during the climax was Jason defeated once and for all... until he came back in Jason X... and Freddy vs. Jason.


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