10 More Horror Movie Heroes Everyone Forgets About

9. Maureen Epps - Ghost Ship

Insidious Chapter 3 Quinn Brenner
Warner Bros.

Considered to be one of the most underrated horror movies of the 21st century by its tight cult fanbase (despite repeated critical thrashings), Ghost Ship takes us to a distant region of the Bering Sea, where a salvage crew discover the remains of a Titanic-esque passenger liner that went missing over 40 years ago. And, once onboard, the team discover the vessel’s treasures, secrets and deadly inhabitants.

Sure, it’s not an original premise, but it provides the opportunity for some serious thrills and chills, as ghosts good and bad make themselves known. At the centre of it all is salvage crew Captain Sean Murphy (Gabriel Byrne), or so it seems until he loses the plot and is sidelined (then killed) in favour of Maureen Epps (Julianna Margulies).

Arguably one of the all-stars from the ranks of horror's most overlooked final girls, Maureen is a badass with a heart of gold, whose smarts keep her afloat while her crewmates are drowned and defeated all around. She is instrumental in uncovering the mystery of why the boat sank in the first place and who the demonic spirit behind it all is, as well as, y'know, blowing it to kingdom come in the finale.


The definitive word sculptor, editor and trend-setter. Slayer of gnomes and trolls.