10 More Horror Movie Heroes Everyone Forgets About

6. Crystal May Creasey - The Hunt

Insidious Chapter 3 Quinn Brenner

Who? You may be asking. Oh, you know, Crystal is only the main character of The Hunt.

When a group of working-class strangers wake up in a field, neither knowing where they are or how they came to be there, it’s not long before things shift up a gear and the bloodshed begins. Hunted for sport by wealthy elites, the group turn out to be all but useless at defending themselves, except for Crystal May Creasey (Betty Gilpin), who has a particular set of skills she picked up in Afghanistan.

Unfortunately Crystal's take-no-names, badass rampage, and Gilpin's performance, were overshadowed by the film's high-concept premise (which ultimately failed to deliver), its continuously delayed release date and the political backlash for what many consider a dubious moral stance. Why? Well, the hunted are predominantly god's-honest Trump supporters, conspiracy theorists and the like, and the hunters liberals. Overall the movie courts an anti-liberal, pro-conservative tone while failing to address the fact that many of the tropes the elite liberals in the film conform to are actually right-wing.

Nonetheless, Crystal May Creasey is a hero not to be messed with, and it would be a welcome return to see her in something with less politics and more gore.


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