10 More Horror Movie Moments More Terrifying When You Know The Truth

1. The First Time Maika Monroe Met Nicolas Cage The Cameras Were Rolling - Longlegs

Wes Craven's New Nightmare

Unquestionably one of the most unsettling movies to arrive in theatres over the last few years, Oz Perkins' Longlegs sees Maika Monroe's FBI agent Lee Harker trying to hunt down a particularly creepy serial killer who is behind the murders of numerous families.

Said killer is brought to life by a Nicolas Cage at the peak of his powers, with his pale and chilling satanic murderer's presence being felt throughout the movie even when he isn't on-screen. 

The two characters ultimately finally come face-to-face years after their first creepy meeting during an interrogation, and their subsequent conversation is one of the most disturbing scenes of the entire feature.

In an attempt to really ramp up the tension for that super important moment in the film, Perkins opted to keep the actors apart throughout the shoot. Not only that, Monroe wasn't shown any images of Cage's character either.

So, when the cameras began to roll and Monroe walked into the room to see Longlegs sitting there, that was legitimately the first time the actor had ever laid eyes on this frightening human... and it shows. 

The star has since admitted to Variety that she didn't even feel like she was in a room with Cage at all, feeling she'd instead really stepped into a world where the horrifying Longlegs existed. 

Perkins' strategy definitely paid off as both Monroe and Cage ended up completely smashing the scene out of the park. And learning that Monroe was going through the very real experience of being exposed to this monstrous human for the very first time here only adds to the feeling of dread that was already present without that knowledge.

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