10 More Horror Movie Villains Who Encountered Something Worse

8. Eli Damaskinos - Blade II

Willy's Wonderland Nicolas Cage
New Line Cinema

Blade II attempts to up the ante from the original movie by revealing that a pandemic has begun turning vampires into Reapers - primal, blood-thirsty mutants who can transform humans and vampires alike into their kind.

As it turns out, the plague was actually caused by Eli Damaskinos (Thomas Kretschmann), the leader of the Vampire Nation, who in an attempt to create stronger vampires without a weakness to light inadvertently made the Reapers, whose numbers quickly grew wildly out of control.

Recognising a threat to both humans and vampires, Damaskinos then decided to strike a truce with Blade (Wesley Snipes) - who wasn't aware of Damaskinos' botched experiment - to wipe the Reapers out.

Basically, in his quest to make vampires "better", he created a terrifying offshoot that would gladly feed on vampires as much as humans.

Worse still, Reapers were equipped with all the advantages Damaskinos intended for his own kind, such as enhanced strength and durability, a bone-covered heart making them harder to stake, resistance to silver and garlic, and more efficient blood-sucking apparatus.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.